ok. sebelum tu..korang tau tak apa itu silica gel? rupa die macam mana??
ni lah rupa silika gel tu. mesti dah pernah tengok kan?biasanya dalam botol2 ubat/vitamin yang dijual di farmasi tu. tau tak yang silica gel ni bahaya ?? sebab tu dekat sampul die ada tulis..."THROW AWAY" & "DO NOT EAT".
Apa itu silika gel?
"Little packets of silica gel are found in all sorts of products because silica gel is a desiccant
-- it adsorbs and holds water vapor. In leather products and foods like
pepperoni, the lack of moisture can limit the growth of mold and reduce
spoilage. In electronics it prevents condensation, which might damage
the electronics. If a bottle of vitamins contained any moisture vapor
and were cooled rapidly, the condensing moisture would ruin the pills.
You will find little silica gel packets in anything that would be
affected by excess moisture or condensation." credits:howstuffworks
bahaya silica gel:
"There are numerous harmful effects of silica gel, especially the form
that contains cobalt chloride. Silica gel has the potential to harm
humans, animals and the environment. Before using or disposing of silica
gel products, consider the possible harmful effects associated with it." selanjutnya...baca di ehow.com
Assalamualaikum awak.. nak email awak juga nanti :)